
Mommy and Van

Hello, friends.

Welcome and thank you for stopping by my blog. My name is Ashleigh. I am a small town girl who now lives in the 'city'. It's city to me, but probably more of a small suburb to some. I am a stay at home mom and I also work from home part time for a court reporting company. I do get to see civilization one day a week when I go into the office. Event planning makes the job list as well. (Glitter EventsI earned my title as 'mom' on May 21, 2012. My husband and I welcomed a sweet baby boy, Van, into the world. Wow! How life changes in a matter of seconds. 


So you may wonder why I would start a blog about being green? Creating the best environment at home for my child is one of my many passions. I want to share my adventures and advice on trying to be the best green mom and person I can be and how you can try to do the same. Studies show that cancer, autism, asthma, allergies, obesity, birth defects, ADD/ADHD, and learning and developmental disabilities are often linked to chemicals found in cleaning supplies, beauty care products, home furnishings, plastics, food, and even toys. I've always had an interest in being kind to mother nature all starting with the Nature Club my best friend, Randi, and I founded in 5th grade. (She earned her angel wings that same year - I know she appreciates my green decisions) It is no surprise that now as a mother I want to make sure I do my part to protect my sweet baby from our harsh environment while doing my best to try to save the planet. Hey, if we want to see a change we have to start with the person in the mirror, right?

Please share.

I'm still new at this whole mom thing. I definitely won't claim to be the 'mother of the year' or the 'mother that knows it all'. I simply just want to share what I have learned, what products I love and what we can do to make a change to help our environment and save our children from these horrible diseases. I will also share with you green places I go, projects, monthly giveaways and more. I'd love to hear your advice and tips on being a green mom and I am open to any questions you may have.

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you all and I hope you will try to do something green today.

Many blessings,

Ashleigh a.k.a Van's mom

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Upcycle.

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Healthy Child Healthy World
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Native American Proverb
Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6